Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Jackass of the Week: Tony Blair

We were wrong about WMD: Blair - The Austrailian
September 26th 2004
"The fact is, I think what some people want me to do is say sorry for getting rid of Saddam and that I can't say because I don't believe that," Blair added. "I believe the world is a better and safer place without him and his sons running Iraq."
So, the world is a safer place because a moron and his idiot sons were hanging on to power in a country with no WMD and no ties to terrorist groups? Yeah ok.There might have been a good argument that Iraq was a safer place for Iraqis with Saddam gone, but that gets shot to hell with every innocent citizen that is killed or tortured and/or raped at the hands of Coalition personnel. That prison scandal we've all heard about is much worse when you consider the reports detailing how many people being held are civilians picked up for silly things like not having the right ID cards to show at the checkpoints (while hawks boast about how they're now "free"). I guess the raping of women and even children in some cases, along with the infamous torture that we've seen photos of is the way some people go about "winning the hearts and minds" of Iraqis.

Lets review. They dedicded to invade a country on the grounds its dipshit leader had WMD that could be launched in 45 minutes. Well over a year later they still can't find anything and are now starting to admit it (as if they didn't already know back in 2001), despite all those ridiculous polls where it seems many Americans think nukes were already found. Then again a lot of people think Saddam and Osama are the same person; even Donald Rumsfeld (!!!) gets them confused. The Aspratame must have gotten to him. Anyway, we're up to something like 15,000 Iraqi civilians killed, over 1000 Coalition troops killed and Lord knows how many injured and maimed for life. Saddam has been locked up since last December and apparently enjoys snacking on American cookies, while Iraqis have to put up with things like daily bombings, death, a police state, depleted uranium everywhere, power outages and companies like Halliburton that make billions off their general misery. After all that, do they think these people are going to say "thank you"? Would you if you were in their shoes? To them it's probably like "meet the new boss, same as the old boss". Maybe worse since the new boss is dropping bombs and killing more people than the old boss ever did. That doesn't include the UN sanctions against the country that reportedly killed nearly 500,000 Iraqi children throughout the 90s after the first gulf war, according to estimates a few years ago. And they wonder why some of these people are pissed off to the point where they become "insurgents" and fight back. I think they're getting tired of being screwed from every direction and desperate people do desperate things.

No matter how the hawks try to spin the removal of Saddam being a good thing "for the world", the facts are things continue to get worse, for everyone. Countries that think they're next on the hitlist are possibly stocking up on real WMDs. After they saw what happened to Iraq, can you really blame them? Honestly. If a group of street thugs smacked around your next door neighbor and made threats over the fence about you being next, wouldn't you prepare for the worst?

Another quote from the same article:
"The intelligence that we had that he had actual deployable weapons has turned out to be wrong," Blair said in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corp.
Fair enough Tony, you tool. Now how about you and Dubya grow some balls and actually start going after the people that apparently gave you that bad intelligence? Oh wait, W is too busy letting them spy on us while they sell him the same stories of grave threats; this time with "Iraq" replaced with "Iran" or "Syria" (depending on what week it is). What's that old saying that George 2 tried to spit out but messed up? "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...."

And so it goes.
No wonder Dick Cheney was (allegedly) building a bunker before the Iraq invasion started. Did someone know they were about to kick off World War 3 with this illegal war?


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