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bill of rights



Martin Luther King Jr - I Have A Dream

PDF (38kb) / ZIPPED (24kb) / HTML / AUDIO


1984 by George Orwell

PDF (689kb) / ZIPPED (634kb) / HTML

Our world will become worse than Orwell's vision in this story if things keep going the way they are. Film versions also exist.


Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

PDF (273kb) / ZIPPED (240kb) / HTML

Another book that can be compared with quite a few modern day happenings. Listen to this 1 minute commentary by Alex Jones about Huxley's 1962 speech and this book. (mp3 / 186k)


Order out of Chaos by Paul Joseph Watson (PDF) 1.3mb

The PDF version of this book does not have all the images. To purchase the paperback book with pictures, visit the Infowars store.


9/11 Decent Into Tyranny by Alex Jones (PDF) 1mb

The PDF version of this book does not have all the images. To purchase the paperback book with pictures, visit the Infowars store.


75 Noam Chomksy articles on all sorts of topics. Word/Doc format.

ZIPPED (761kb)


Collection of interesting patents.