Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Bush, Kerry and Israel

It's pretty much a given that the wars will continue if Bush is re-elected, but sadly, I think the wars will also continue if Kerry get elected. He's already talked about "being tough" on countries like Iran and Syria, and that he would have gone to Iraq if given the same information Bush got. In fact, he voted in support of the war.

On top of that, he said if he's elected he'll continue to be loyal to Israel, which is one of the major reasons most of the world seems to be pissed off at Bush and the US in general. Those pesky double standards and all. Add in the latest espionage charges that Israel supporters within the Pentagon had a hand in pushing the lies about Iraq WMDs (and are now trying to get the US to get Iran) and you've got a massive scandal here that most Americans don't seem to know about, or care about.

Israel to US: Now for Iran
"I think the safest thing for Israel is to let the Americans do it" - Ira Sharkansky, Political Science Professor

Oh really? Last I checked, the Israeli government had an army, gets billions of dollars of US taxpayer money every year, and have about 400 nukes tucked away. I guess they're too busy building that wall, destroying homes, building illegal settlements and expanding it's borders, so they turn to their "friends" in the US government. Friends that apparently they also like to spy on and manipulate. Go figure. Nonetheless, our leaders then ship our sons, daughters and friends out to do the dirty work. They're even considering reinstating the draft. By the way, this is not limited to Bush Jr and Republicans. It goes back to Clinton and many others in the US Congress (both parties), as well as the media. Is there some sort of blackmail going on here? Seriously. If it was an Arab or any other group caught spying, chances are they would have been rounded up and had their offices closed down before the story hit the papers. Israel gets caught spying (again) and no one seems to give a shit. Deny deny deny, downplay it or just don't report it. Americans don't need to know about such things.

The Israeli Spy Ring (
Israeli Spies Exposed (

I feel for the innocent Israeli people. Many of whom are in the same boat as many Americans and don't like what their government and/or Jewish extremists have done in their name. Some are even refusing to join the army and are paying the price for it with jail time. Like many Americans out protesting this week in NYC and anyone else, quite frankly, that has a brain, they know all these policies of endless wars, double standards and the oppression/killing of innocent people in mass to get a few extremists, are not making them, as a whole, any safer. If anything, it's creating more "enemies" willing to fight back. I think some of this is being done on purpose to be honest, but more on that later.

Yesterday, there was another suicide bombing involving two buses in Beer Sheva Israel. The US media said it's the first incident of terrorism as things have been "calm" for the last 6 months. However, Israel killed 436 Palestinians in past 'quiet' six months. "None referred to Israel's military assault on Rafah in May 2004, when Israeli forces killed 44 Palestinians, including 18 children, and destroyed 400 homes, and Beit Hanoun from June to August."

Notice how the mainstream media in America either doesn't report on these incidents that are just as bad, or they bury the stories in the back of the newspapers. And they wonder why much of the world scoffs at America when our politicians talk about the horrible things Saddam and (insert enemy of the week here) do to their people, while ignoring (and some would say even supporting) the similar things that the Israeli government constantly perpetrates on the Palestinians.


At 3:21 PM, Matt said...

War=Safety. Duh, everybody knows that, hahaha.

You've made some interesting points here, and I couldn't agree more...Therefore, I nominate you as the next president! You know, if you think about it, presidency is kind of like The One Ring; it gives a lot of power, but drives you mad and transforms you into pure evil...

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